Call for Applications for Global and International Studies Initiative Visiting Scholar Program ($3000) 2014-2015
This is a call for applications to the GISI Visiting Scholar program. The Global and International Studies Program is a three-year, SSHRC-funded St. Thomas University initiative which is designed to promote global and international studies at STU through a program of major research grants, conference travel support, and the promotion of visiting scholars.
The GISI is issuing a call for applications for Visiting Scholars for the 2013 calendar year (February-December). The GISI offers $3000 to support a visiting scholar.
There is no formal application form. Submitted applications should include the following:
-A covering letter that explains when the proposed Visiting Scholar will visit and how his/her visit would benefit St. Thomas University. This should include plans for the VS’s public speaking engagements and guest lectures. Note that every effort should be made to extend the VS’s presence beyond theDepartment making the application. For example, this could include the indication that the organizers of the visit will arrange meetings with other scholars on campus who deal with issues related to the VS’s expertise. If possible, the VS should also attend functions/activities that raise St. Thomas’s regional profile.
The application should also indicate how the sponsoring Department intends to use the VS’s visit as an opportunity to build stronger, long-term links between STU and the scholar’s institution/home country.
-Detailed information on the proposed scholar. This should include a CV, one or two examples of work, and an assessment of how the VS’s expertise will complement or initiate scholarly work at St. Thomas.
-A detailed budget. If the funds provided by the GISI Visiting Scholar program are not sufficient to cover all of the VS’s costs, the application should indicate where supplementary funds will be found.
Please note that the GISI does not object to paying an honorarium to the VS, but the program is primarily directed towards paying for the VS’s transportation and accommodation costs.
The Visiting Scholar’s stay at St. Thomas should be at least one academic week (Monday-Friday, or the equivalent of 5 regular class days). Stays can be longer than this, but not shorter, except in very exceptional circumstances. The VS should visit St. Thomas during the regular academic year, from September 2014-April 2015.
For the 2014-2015 calendar year, the deadline for submission of applications is Monday, April 7, 2014.
Please send hard copies of applications to: Shaun Narine, Acting Director of GISI, Political Science