There is a wide range of areas in which forensic scientists work. There are forensic scientists who are employed in labs that are part of a law enforcement agency (e.g. RCMP labs), who have degrees in some scientific field (e.g. biology, chemistry). As scientific evidence becomes more complex and as the public’s understanding of science increases, it is more important than ever that expert witnesses in court be qualified not only in their specific field, but also in the forensic field.
There are many institutions in Canada and the rest of the world where you can study forensic science in university or college. This means that you study disciplines such as biology, chemistry, anthropology, etc., and you learn how to apply that knowledge to process police evidence. Take a look at this excellent website for information on forensic scene programs and the latest news in the field:
Medico-legal community
The medicolegal community is extremely important in the world of forensic science. It involves the combination of legal and medical aspects. Forensic scientists work with several key players that are explained in more depth through the links below.