

Director: Dr. Karen Robert (2014-2017)
Contact information: | 506-452-0466

Steering Committee:

Dr. Luc Walhain, Department of History, St. Thomas University
Dr. Carey Watt, Department of History, St. Thomas University

Advisory board: 

Dr. Peter Toner, Department of Anthropology, St. Thomas University
Dr. Gül Çalişkan, Department of Sociology, St. Thomas University
Ms. Sally MacAllister, Fredericton High School
Mr. Jason Hall, University of New Brunswick
Ms. Cynthia Wallace-Casey, University of New Brunswick
Dr. Sharon Murray, St. Thomas University, School of Education

The administrative structure of the IWH is governed by St. Thomas University’s Policy Governing the Establishment, Reporting and Review or Research Centres or Institutes.