What is forensic entomology?
Forensic entomology is the application of the study of insects (and their arthropod counterparts) to the medico-legal system. Insects colonize to a dead body almost immediately after death if proper season and environment are present.
What do forensic entomologists do?
Forensic entomologists use insects to report on an array of issues. Insects can be used to determine elapsed time since death (also known as Post Mortem Interval or PMI), but they can also be used to determine if a body has been moved, whether it has been disturbed, the presence or position of wound sites, whether the victim used drug or was poisoned and the length of time of neglect or abuse in living victims. Forensic entomologists can also be used as the expert witness to the court as someone who has knowledge relevant to the case. Insects can also aid is wildlife crimes.
How do I become a Forensic Entomologist?
If you are interested in forensic entomology, you can begin by studying a Bachelor of Science in biology, zoology or entomology followed by a Master of Science and Ph.D. in entomology, preferably in forensic entomology, insect ecology and taxonomy. You then must learn how to apply it to police investigations when necessary. Check out the work of Gail Anderson, forensic entomologist becoming the first Canadian full-time forensic entomologist in 1992.