
Invited articles

Baldwin C (2013) Living Narratively: From Theory to Experience (and Back Again).  Text of the John McKendy Annual Memorial Lecture in Narrative.  St Thomas University, Fredericton, NB, 3rd November 2011.
Available here: Living Narratively

Baldwin C (2011) Narrative Rhetoric in Expert Reports:  A Case Study.  Narrative Works, 1 (2): 3-20. Available here:  Narrative rhetoric

Peer reviewed

a) Articles

Baldwin C and Ripley L (2019 forthcoming) Exploring other-than-human identity: A narrative approach to Otherkin, therianthropes, and vampires Qualitative Sociology Review.

Baldwin C, Greason M (2019 forthcoming) Narrative and argumentation in a case of alleged child abuse.  Narrative Works. 8 (1)

Baldwin C, Greason M and Hill C (2019 forthcoming)  Exploring the rhizomal self.  Narrative Works, 7 (2)

Baldwin C and Dylan A (2018) Introduction to special edition of Canadian Social Work Journal, 20 (1).

Jamal A and Baldwin C (2017) Angels of mercy or smiling Western invaders? Community’s perception of NGOs in northwest Pakistan International Social Work, 62 (1): 89-104

Berendonk C, Hansen-Blix B, Randall B, Baldwin C, and Caine V (2017) Care as narrative practice in the context of long-term care: Theoretical considerations International Journal of Older People Nursing,;12 (4). doi: 10.1111/opn.12156

Baldwin C (2016) Introduction to special edition of Narrative Works ‘Narrative across disciplines’, Fall 2016.  Published.

Baldwin C and Greason M (2016) Micro-citizenship, dementia, and long-term care.  Dementia: An International Journal of Theory and Practice, 15 (3): 289-303.

Baldwin C, Carty B and Estey J (2015) Aging, spirituality, and narrative: Loss and repair’. Narrative Works [online] 5(2).

Baldwin C (2015) Narrative ethics for narrative care. Journal of Aging Studies.

Baldwin C and Estey J (2015) The Self and spirituality: Overcoming narrative loss in aging. Journal of Religion and Sirituality in social Work, 34 (2).

Randall W, Baldwin C, McKenzie-Mohr S, McKim E, and Furlong D (2015, in press) Narrative and resilience: A comparative analysis of how older people story their lives. Journal of Aging Studies. Available from:

Baldwin C and Estey-Burtt B (2012) Narrative: A new framework for social work ethics.  Narrative Works, 2 (2): 1-19. Available here: Narrative and the Reconfiguration of Social Work Ethics

Baldwin C and Hill C. (2012): Hypertext as an expression of the rhizomatic self. In : Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Narrative and hypertext. 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, June 25th – 28th. Association of Computing Machinery. New York: ACM, pp. 23–28. Available online at

Downs M, Capstick A, Baldwin PC, Surr C and Bruce E (2009) The role of higher education in transforming the quality of dementia care: Graduate studies in dementia at the University of Bradford.  International Psychogeriatrics, 21 (Suppl. 1) pp.S3-S15.

Baldwin C (2008)  Narrative(,) citizenship and dementia: The personal and the political.  Journal of Aging Studies, 22 (3): 222-228.
Available here: Baldwin-2008-Narrative(,) citizen

Baldwin C (2008) Rhetoric, Child protection and the violation of human rights.  British Journal of Community Justice, 6 (1): 35-48.

Baldwin C (2005) Narrative, ethics and severe mental illness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39 (11-12): 1022-1029.

Baldwin C (2005) Who needs fact when you’ve got narrative? The case of P,C&S vs United Kingdom. International Journal for the Semiotics of the Law, 18 (3-4): 217-241.

Baldwin C (2005) Technology, dementia and ethics: Rethinking the issues. Disability Studies Quarterly, 25 (3). Online.

Baruch J, Downs M, Bruce E and Baldwin C (2004) A study in the use of technology to reassure and support a person with dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 3 (3): 372-377.

Baldwin C, Hughes J, Hope T, Jacoby R and Ziebland S (2004) Ethics and dementia: The experience of family carers.  Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry, 8 (5): June.  Online.

Baldwin C, Hughes J, Hope T, Jacoby R and Ziebland S (2003) Ethics and dementia: Mapping the literature by bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18 (1): 41-54.

Baldwin C (1996) Munchausen syndrome by proxy: Problems of definition, diagnosis and treatment. Health and Social Care in the Community, 4 (3): 159-165

 b)  Books

Baldwin C (2013) Narrative social work: Theory and application.  Bristol: Policy Press.

Baldwin C and Capstick A (2007) Tom Kitwood on dementia: A reader and critical commentary.  Buckingham: Open University Press.

Hughes JC and Baldwin C (2006) Ethical issues in dementia care:  Making difficult decisions.  London: Jessica Kingsley.

Baldwin C, Hope T, Hughes J, Jacoby R and Ziebland S (2005) Making difficult decisions. London: Alzheimer’s Society.

 c) Book chapters

Baldwin C (2016) Ethics and the tyranny of narrative. In Goodson I, Antikainen and Sikes P eds The Routledge International Handbook on Narrative and Life History.  London: Routledge, pp.

Baldwin C (2015) Narrative ethics. In, H ten Have ed Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics. Dordrecht: Springer. Online.  Available from:

Hean S, Doucet S, Ball V, Anderson L, Baldwin C, Green C, Pitt R, Snyman S, Schmidtt M, Clark P, Gilbert J and Oandasan I (2015) Moving from atheoretical to theoretical approaches to interprofessional client-centred collaborative practice. In, Orchard C and Bainbridge L eds Interprofessional Client-Centred Collaborative Practice: What Does it Look Like? How Can it be Achieved? Hauppage, NY: Nova Science.

Hughes JC and Baldwin C (2014) Ethics related aspects of caregivers (and caregiving) in mental health.  In, Sadler J, van Staden W and Fulford KWM eds Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198732372.013.39

Baldwin, C. and Estey, J. (forthcoming). Stories of living with loss: Spirituality and ageing. In, Cook, C., Powell, A. and Sims, A. eds  Spiritual narratives in psychiatric practice.  London: RPsych Press.

Hughes JC and Baldwin C (2014) Ethics related aspects of caregivers (and caregiving) in mental health.  In, Sadler J, van Staden W and Fulford KWM eds Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Estey-Burtt B and Baldwin C (2014)  Storied lives, storied ethics.  In, Downs, M and Bowers B eds Excellence in dementia care, 2nd ed.  Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Baldwin C and Estey-Burtt B (2013)  The ethics of caring.  In, Thomas A and Dening T eds. The Oxford textbook of old age psychiatry, 5th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Baldwin C (2011) Personhood, personalism and dementia: A journey of becoming.  In, Jewell A ed Spirituality and personhood in dementia.  London: Jessica Kingsley, pp.186-197.

Baldwin C (2010) Narrative, supportive care, and dementia: A preliminary exploration.  In, Hughes JC, Lloyd-Williams M and Sachs GA eds Supportive care for the person with dementia.  Maidenhead: OUP, pp.245-252.

Baldwin C and Hughes JC (2010)  A person-centred ethic for person-centred care. Kar N and Jolley D eds Handbook of dementia, 2nd edition.  Tunbridge Wells: Anshan, pp.335-356.

Baldwin C (2009)  Narrative and decision-making.  In, O’Connor D and Purves B eds Decision-making, personhood and dementia: Exploring the interface.  London: Jessica Kingsley, pp.25-36.

Baldwin C (2008) Toward a person-centred ethic: Doing right or being good?. In, Downs M and Bowers B (eds) Excellence in dementia care: Principles and practices.  Buckingham: Open University Press, pp.103-118.

Hughes JC and Baldwin C (2008)  Ethics and old age psychiatry In, Jacoby J, Dening T and Oppenheimer C eds The Oxford textbook of old age psychiatry, 4th  edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.709-729.

Baldwin C (2008) Family carers, ethics and dementia: An empirical study. In, Hope T, MacMillan J and Widdershoven G eds Empirical ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.107-121.

Baldwin C (2007) Professional insincerity, identity and the limits of narrative repair.  In, Robinson D, Kelly N and Milnes K eds Narrative and memory. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield, pp.13-22.

Baldwin C (2006) Narrative ethics and ethical narratives in dementia. In, Burns A and Winblad B eds Severe dementia.  London: Wiley, pp.215-226.

Baldwin C (2006) Who needs fact when you’ve got narrative? The case of P,C&S vs United Kingdom.  In, Wagner A, Summerfield T and Vanegas, FSB eds  Interpretation, law and the construction of meaning: Collected papers on legal interpretation in theory, adjudication and political practice. New York: Springer, pp.85-108.

Baldwin C (2006)  Difficult decisions for family carers at the end of life. In, Hughes JC ed Palliative care in severe dementia.  London: Quay Books, pp.97-104.

Baldwin C (2006)  The narrative dispossession of people with dementia: Thinking about the theory and method of narrative. In, Milnes K, Horrocks C, Kelly N et al eds Narrative, memory and knowledge: Representations, aesthetics and contexts.  Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press, pp.101-109.

Baldwin C (2005) Reflections on ethics, dementia and technology.  In, Woolham J ed. Assistive Technology in Dementia Care: developing the role of technology in the care and rehabilitation of people with dementia – current trends and perspectives. London:  Hawker Publications, pp. 54-66.

Baldwin C (2004) Competing narratives in cases of alleged Munchausen syndrome by proxy. In, Skultans V, Horowitz B and Greenhalgh T eds Narrative research in health and illness. Oxford: Blackwell, pp.205-222.

Baldwin C (2003) Narratives of innocence in cases of alleged Munchausen syndrome by proxy. In, Horrocks C, Kelly N, Roberts B and Robinson D eds Narrative, memory and health. University of Huddersfield Press., pp.67-75.

Professional journals

Capstick A and Baldwin C (2008) On Tom Kitwood and culture change in dementia care.  Journal of Dementia Care, 16 (1): 24-25.

Baldwin C (2004) Difficult decisions at the end of life. Nursing and Residential Care, 6 (10): 497-499.

Baldwin C (1994) Junk TV.  LibED, 23-24 (Spring): 27-29.

Baldwin C (1992) Illich and the Situationists. LibED, 20 (Winter): 8-9.

Baldwin C (1992) Illich and anarchy.  LibED, 19 (Summer): 10.

Baldwin C (1991-2) Illich, ego and anarchism.  LIbED, 17/18 (Winter): 9-11.

Book reviews

Review of de Medeiros, K. Narrative gerontology in research and practice.  Canadian Journal on Aging (forthcoming).

Review of Innes A, Dementia studies London, Sage, 2010. In, Health and Social Care in the Community, 18 (5): 550-551.

 Review of Kapp MB (ed) Ethics, law and aging, Volume 8: Issues in conducting research with and about older adults, New York, Springer Publishing Company, 2002.  In, International Psychogeriatrics, 15 (3): 313-314.


 Baldwin C and Mackenzie J (2008) Service needs and delivery following dementia diagnosis: Evidence based review  Cheltenham: Commission for Rural Communities.

Under review

Baldwin C and Hill C (2012) Exploring the rhizomatic self. Narrative Works. April 2013.