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Aren’t you getting excited about the fall? We are too, and we’ve got some great courses that you might not have heard about <>, including the following ones:

— History of the United Nations (HIST-2453)
The United Nations represents the first serious effort toward an international government. History of the United Nations examines the evolution of this unique international body from its creation in 1945 to the present. It seeks to understand how the United Nations has shaped world history, what its low and high points have been, and what its challenges and potential are in the twenty-first century.

— European Social Policy (HIST-3263 )
This course traces the development of social policy in Europe since the end of the 19th century and examines how governments became involved not only in assuring citizens’ defense and freedom, but also their overall well-being through programmes such as maternity and child benefits, unemployment insurance and old-age pensions.

— The History Workshop (History 3553) is available to students who want to get the most out of their History education at STU. History Workshop is typically offered only once a year. It provides students with a chance to enhance their skills of historical analysis, writing and oral communication through close engagement with an important historical event or issue. We recommend this course to students planning to take 4000-level seminars, students considering an application to graduate programmes or professional schools, and any student with a serious interest in historical research and writing. If you are interested in this special opportunity, please contact Dr. Walhain, who will teach the course this fall (Monday, 2:30-5:20). His e-mail address is

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